Our Sourcing

We built a direct sourcing organization that gives us greater control over the entire supply chain. We only work with suppliers that meet our specifications, adhere to food safety requirements and have a proven record of excellence.

Our extensive sourcing and transportation experience has made us a trusted partner of customers across the U.S. We specialize in meeting unique customer needs, adapting to the seasons and knowing where to find the best quality products at any given time.


Our network of buyers across the globe have developed on-the-ground relationships with beekeepers, producers and importers to ensure supply chain transparency, traceability and consistent, superior product quality.

Our Process

Our commitment to operate with the greatest integrity means not only meeting but exceeding food safety requirements and quality standards. We operate with transparency and strict compliance with all regulations for our stakeholders, employees, suppliers and customers.

Food Safety

Sweet Harvest Foods adheres to a robust food safety program that complies with the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). All of our facilities perform well under the GFSI protocols.

Honey Sustainability

At Sweet Harvest Foods we believe it’s part of our responsibility as a global company to help address the challenges affecting natural pollinators. We’ve partnered with the University of California, Davis, Honey & Pollination Center to build awareness of the critical role that bees play in our ecosystem.

Find out more about the Center and get involved at honey.ucdavis.edu.

Global Expertise.
Proven Reliability.
Sophisticated Quality Assurance.